I am fortunate to live in a wonderful community of animal lovers and talented artists. Check out some of my favorite people, non-profits and businesses:
Shelters and Rescues:
Humane Society of Chittenden County: We've worked with them since January 2009 and the work they do is phenomenal.
Central Vermont Humane Society: We adopted Molly from them and they also do amazing work.
Ivana Iguana Wisdom and Rescue: A wonderful reptile and exotics rescue, right in the heart of Burlington!
Animal Farm Foundation: They're changing the pit-bull dog stereotype in a positive way.
Animal Artists:
HeARTs Speak: A worldwide group of artists dedicated to helping rescue animals and educating the public
Stephen Huneck: We have several of his pieces on our walls. If you can, make the trip to Dog Mountain.
Yellow Dog Art: I love Pam Harris' unique and bright style. She's local to VT and a wonderful person.
Local Businesses:
Doggie Styles Grooming: Located in Colchester. Their clients RAVE about their staff and quality. As a former groomer myself, I can attest that they provide top notch care.
Tipsy Nip: The best cat toys and treats you could possibly buy. Our cats are addicted!
Pet Food Warehouse: Who doesn't love PFW? They rock!
Zoey's House: Housesitting for small, cherished dogs. If I were a small dog I'd want to stay there!
Show Me the Biscuit!: A great training facility right in Williston. They provide personalized attention and their students love them! Check their schedule often... they have lots of fun classes to try.
Logo and other Design:
ProPhoto Blogs: They make blog creation super easy. Click here for a $10 coupon!
Clockwork Amazon: My cousin Crystal is an extremely talented artist and she designed my logo.
Squid Fingers: Provided the lovely texture for my page. They have many others available.
Hi! I also volunteer for my shelter once a week! What color paper is this, is it Savage’s “Holly?” It’s so pretty! I saw in your article you have two AB’s. Are you using both of them? I only use 1 AB800, should I use both of mine? If so, what is the best positioning? I usually have the one set at 45 degrees and a reflector bouncing light. Here’s a link to some of my shelter pics. Thanks in advance! Karen
Whoops! Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.568951896450078.1073741825.242793669065904&type=1
Hi Karen! I can’t remember what color it is, but I do believe you’re correct that it’s Holly by Savage. It is pretty, isn’t it? It’s fairly flexible too… I’ve had good luck tweaking the green to suit my tastes. I love the grey that you use too. It really shows the subtle colors of animal’s coats.
In the studio I work with 3 AB400′s. I use all 3 if I’m feeling very picky about light or I’m trying something new, but often it’s just 2 lights (main and accent from the opposite direction). If I use the third it’s for the background. Your work is gorgeous! I think you’ve got the right idea with the 45 degree angle and reflector. It looks like you’re pointing the light across the animals, not directly at them, which helps add depth with shadows. I don’t often use a reflector, it’s really a personal preference.
You’re doing great work for HS of Yuma! Have you looked into joining HeARTs Speak? We have several members in Arizona, mainly the Phoenix/Tucson region.
I just liked your FB page… I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work! You capture some lovely expressions I’m a little smitten with Toby! What a handsome fella!
Peace, Purrs, and Tail Wags,
Hi Kelly!
Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate your feedback on my shelter work. I try to go once a week, but sometimes it just doesn’t work, because my hubby assists me and he has to work overtime on occasion. In speaking with the shelter admin, we have now worked it out that one of the inmates that goes there during the week is going to assist me, when my husband isn’t able to help me on Saturdays. I went on Monday and the inmate did a great job.
I will have to give 2 lights a try. I have one AB400 and two 800′s. I hope to be able to invest in more 400′s, as I learned, after the fact, the 800′s are a bit strong, when I want to use a higher aperture. I strictly use the 400 for my newborn work. When you use the second light as an accent, is it pointing at the main light?
I love your work! I became a fan of your page, too!
That’s awesome that your hubby goes too sometimes! My husband, Ian, goes every week with me. It’s a fun way to hang out
When I use a second light it pretty much does point at the main light. I have a metal grid over it to narrow the beam to 20 or 30 degrees. I really like to accent the shadow side of the face, particularly to give a little extra definition to the ears, cheek, and chin.
Yes, he is a great guy! We enjoy the time together, too. It’s great your hubby goes with you, too!
Do you just use the metal grid that came with the light. I’ve always used large soft boxes, never a bare light. This sounds really interesting. I just might have to give it a shot with my 2 AB800′s!
Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!
Hi Karen, I got a set of grids from Paul C. Buff. 10,20,30, and 40 degrees. I like the grids since it gives a nice sharp edge that I can control the placement of. No extra spill if I don’t want it. They’re a nice cheap way of diversifying your light