I am fortunate to live in a wonderful community of animal lovers and talented artists. Check out some of my favorite people, non-profits and businesses:
Shelters and Rescues:
Humane Society of Chittenden County: We've worked with them since January 2009 and the work they do is phenomenal.
Central Vermont Humane Society: We adopted Molly from them and they also do amazing work.
Ivana Iguana Wisdom and Rescue: A wonderful reptile and exotics rescue, right in the heart of Burlington!
Animal Farm Foundation: They're changing the pit-bull dog stereotype in a positive way.
Animal Artists:
HeARTs Speak: A worldwide group of artists dedicated to helping rescue animals and educating the public
Stephen Huneck: We have several of his pieces on our walls. If you can, make the trip to Dog Mountain.
Yellow Dog Art: I love Pam Harris' unique and bright style. She's local to VT and a wonderful person.
Local Businesses:
Doggie Styles Grooming: Located in Colchester. Their clients RAVE about their staff and quality. As a former groomer myself, I can attest that they provide top notch care.
Tipsy Nip: The best cat toys and treats you could possibly buy. Our cats are addicted!
Pet Food Warehouse: Who doesn't love PFW? They rock!
Zoey's House: Housesitting for small, cherished dogs. If I were a small dog I'd want to stay there!
Show Me the Biscuit!: A great training facility right in Williston. They provide personalized attention and their students love them! Check their schedule often... they have lots of fun classes to try.
Logo and other Design:
ProPhoto Blogs: They make blog creation super easy. Click here for a $10 coupon!
Clockwork Amazon: My cousin Crystal is an extremely talented artist and she designed my logo.
Squid Fingers: Provided the lovely texture for my page. They have many others available.
Wow, some amazing work, my new found friend! I see your heart in this work, and because of your “look” and love, it’s a wow!
Your story is fun and funny–Vet-photographer– I get it!
How did I get to you? –smile for the cure! Could you tell me more about this, since you “are a leading donater” to the cause? We lost our beautiful Golden/shephard mix to this battle and our heart still breaks for this loss! I know how ‘With out my Shadow’ feels, pain beyond! I’m still crying!
I love your work and I have lots of questions-should you be willing to chat!
Thanks for the work you do! My Eye Candy!