JB and Her New BAM’N Coat! :: Vermont Commercial Animal Photographer

I’m doing this in reverse order. I haven’t even created a blog post for Brandy and Michael’s session yet, but here we go with a post about Brandy’s dog coats. I’m a total fangirl for them since Brandy made a tiny pink one for our little min pin, JB, and I’m so excited to show it off. Brandy put great care into their design and she makes them herself. The inspiration for Brandy is her adorable greyhound rescues, Auggie and Nick. It’s really hard to find a good looking, well built dog coat that covers both the hindquarters and neck, so Brandy decided to create her own. She got a great response to them and thus BAM’N Coats was born. If you’re wondering, BAM’N stands for “Brandy, Auggie, Michael, and Nick”. I love it!


Here's Auggie showing off his cozy coat! The light was A-Mazing for their entire shoot outside.

Very regal, Auggie :)

Very regal, Auggie:)


JB's coat is reversible. Hot pink for her sassy days and baby pink for... well, she's always pretty sassy, so it may be a while before she needs it reversed!

JB is still growing, so Brandy made her coat a little big so that she can grow into it. It kept her warm enough today to sit on the snowy ground and watch flakes fall!

JB is still growing, so Brandy made her coat a little big so that she can grow into it. It kept her warm enough today to sit on the snowy ground and watch flakes fall.

Waiting patiently for Ian to throw a stick. Fetch is one of JB

Waiting patiently for Ian to throw a stick. Fetch is one of JB's favorite games.

And there she goes!


To think, just a few months ago I was a dedicated "big dog" person and now I have a tiny puppy that requires clothes. And they

To think, just a few months ago I was a dedicated "big dog" person and now I have a tiny puppy that requires clothes. And they're all pink. Can you blame me though? She's REALLY cute!

If you have a dog that needs a coat, look no further than Brandy’s BAM’N Coats at www.bamncoats.com!

Peace and Dog Coats,


Nicole - December 4, 2010 - 10:11 pm

Love, love, love this!

Greyhound Love » Miscellaneous Mischief - February 6, 2011 - 1:22 pm

[...] JB and Her New BAM’N Coat! [...]

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