Dorothy :: Burlington, Vermont Cat Photographer

Dorothy could easily be a model. Not only is she is stunningly beautiful, but she also has a knack for posing and giving just the right look to match. In the blink of an eye she can convincingly switch from sassy cat to cuddly kitten to elegant and refined queen. Of course, with this high end modeling personality comes Dorothy’s conviction that she is a goddess. For her entire shoot she was either giving me photographic gold or jumping off the table and jetting around the room. She knew she could get away with a lot and she tested that theory every chance she could. Not that I mind though. I was perfectly happy to let her channel whatever inner monologue she needed to at the moment her inspiration struck.

I think you’ll agree with Dorothy… she IS a goddess:)


I love how her bed matches her eyes!

I love how her bed matches her eyes!

Dorothy’s mom is Megan Stearns, an amazingly talented artist. Check out her work at I look forward to having her paint our pack and pride soon!

Peace and Furballs,


Megan - July 19, 2011 - 10:02 am

I love Kelly’s work! Ever since I’ve worked at the Humane Society of Chittenden County and seen the photos she produces of our shelter animals for our website, I’ve wanted to hire her for my own pets. I’m so glad I did … I now have a canvas of Dorothy hanging in my living room, and it makes me smile every time I see it! Plus, I love pulling out the other prints of Dorothy I ordered to share with visitors (I’m sure they love it, too!;) )

Thanks, Kelly, for capturing the soul of my best furry friend!

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