Celebrating a Lifetime of Love and Dogs :: Vermont Dog Photographer

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When Rose contacted me asking about scheduling a session she told me that she had two dogs, one of which was getting on in years, and that she and her husband hadn’t had photographs taken of themselves in the 40+ years that they’ve been married. My imagination immediately started swarming with fun ideas for their session. I really wanted to create a small story of who they are as a family.

I recently switched the way my clients see their proofs for the first time. Now, when I can, I do in-person viewing sessions. I put together a little slideshow and display it on my computer monitor in the comfort of the client’s home. After Rose and Ray’s viewing session I know why this is my favorite way to present images. They paid me the highest compliment when they told me that they wanted every image and became quite emotional over them. One of my favorite parts of my job is to put together a special package for them so that they can get everything they want without breaking the bank.

I absolutely adore Dugan and his expressive old golden face!

I absolutely adore Dugan and his expressive old golden face!

This is obviously not a new trick for this old dog. He

This is obviously not a new trick for this old dog. He's been practicing for years.

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Mandy Lou is always on the go, following her nose and her heart to the next adventure.

Mandy Lou is always on the go, following her nose and her heart to the next adventure.

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I still can

I still can't get over that bright pink bandana. It's perfect for her!

There is always time for play time.

There is always time for play time.

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One of my favorite images from the evening. It really embodies the spirit of summer for me.

One of my favorite images from the evening. It really embodies the spirit of summer for me.

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A loving couple, happy dogs, and late evening summer light makes for some magical moments!

A loving couple, happy dogs, and late evening summer light makes for some magical moments!

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Vermont wildflowers and a yellow lab in a pink bandana. Life is good!

Vermont wildflowers and a yellow lab in a pink bandana. Life is good!

A tired Dugan at the end of a long, fun day.

A tired Dugan at the end of a long, fun day.

Thank you, Rose, Ray, Dugan, and Mandy Lou. I know you will cherish these photos for many years to come.

Peace and Furballs,


Betty Cox - October 6, 2010 - 7:11 am


Those where great. Thanks for sharing.

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